The Original Muffpot
The Original Muffpot - Your Snowmobile, ATV, UTV and Motorcycle Muffler Food Warmer.
Imagine, a quick and convenient way to have a hot meal on the cold trail. Simply attach the Muffpot stainless steel cooker to your exhaust, and enjoy your ride while your meal cooks!
The Muffpot can be a cooker or warmer, depending on how close it’s placed to the engine. The closer it is, the hotter it cooks, up to about 218 C (425 F), or between 82 and 93 C (180 to 200 F) if placed on the clamshell. Cooking time and temperature vary depending on the vehicle, and how long and hard you’ve been riding. One of our customers could not have said it better... "Ride it like you stole it"!
We do suggest keeping your gloves on when removing it. It is the equivalent of an electric table-top stove/burner, and is enough to cook just about anything—including a juicy steak!
You can heat any any food that you can simply think of! Fried chicken, baked potato, burritos, meatballs, hot dogs, smokies, stew, pulled pork, perogies, etc.
I encourage all of you fellow riders whose ideal day involves hauling your sleds north to the backcountry to meet up with friends at your favorite trails or mountaintop. Whether you're a “sled head," or you've just discovered how much you love powersports life, the Muffpot has got you covered!